Not that Dan is the only farmer there. We're regulars to the Alewive's Brook Farm and, more and more now, Snell Family Farm's booths at the market. Today we picked up some gorgeous new potatoes and a hearty looking garlic stalk. It's our understanding that these are quite a lot more fibrous than young garlic greens and we're figuring they're prepared more as you would leeks. Do you, our readers, have any suggestions as to what you would like to see done with these ingredients? Toss your recipe requests our way, or share your own in the comments.
Today's haul:
- garlic scapes, Seasonal Corner
- swiss chard, Seasonal Corner
- new potatoes, Snell Family Farm
- garlic stalk, Snell Family Farm
See you all there next week!
I'd really like to try garlic scapes one day!
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