Point of View

        Point of View by Shel Silverstein


Still there? Bet you never thought you would hear from us again. Truth be told, the intention was to just let So.Me.Vegans blogfade into obscurity. But this is a week of thankfulness so in that spirit I needed to say thanks for not letting it die.

So.Me.Vegans continues to get follows over on the Facebook page so we felt like we, I don't know, maybe owe willing readers some actual content. And with a new vegetarian/vegan eatery opening in Biddeford this week, what better time is there to start writing again?

So stay following because later this week we plan to hit opening day at Dahlia's Delights on Main St in Biddeford. Haven't even seen a menu yet. Know what? Don't care. Just overwhelmingly excited to now have vegan eats so close to home base. Until opening day hits we will be monitoring their Facebook page for updates and waiting with bated (never baited) breath.

Again, thanks for your support and have a happy and compassionate Thanksgiving.